I'm Hopeful.
Because I've made 40-something songs, listened to the popular music here over and over, studied it, and learned from all my mistakes.
And because Final Countdown by Europea is going to be hard to F*** up.
That said:
Im going to stop making music that tries to sound like the "popular style" on newgrounds (You know, that ONE damn synth that EVERYONE uses?) I'm going to make music for me that assists me in doing things.
Like sleeping, studying, working out, putting me in a good mood.
I dont know why i'd try anything else.
I like repetitive stuff, and apparently few other people do on this site. but meh.
Im not saying all my stuff is any good--in fact most of it should die in a fire.
Just saying that i'm diffrent.
And if you took part on the raid on scientology...you're an a**hole.
Not a scientologist (thank God), but still, you should just let people ALONE. Don't make something liek that ur business.